SRM 786 1 250 SwapTheString

Problem Statement

You are given a string S of length N. You are also given an integer K. In each step, you are allowed to select an index i and swap the characters at indices i and i + K (such that i + K < N) in the string S. After the swap, the new formed string should be lexographically greater than the old string. You keep on performing such steps, as long as possible. You need to find the maximum number of steps that can be performed on the given string.

You are given integers A0, X, Y and N and a string P. Use the pseudocode below to generate the string S.

A[0] = A0
for i = 1 to N-1:
A[i] = (A[i-1] * X + Y) modulo 1812447359

S = P
for i = size(P) to N-1:
S[i] = (char)(A[i] % 26 + 'a')


(be sure your method is public)



Test cases

  1. input
    • P "cbexa"
    • A0 0
    • X 0
    • Y 0
    • N 5
    • K 2
    Returns 2
    There are 2 possible swaps in string "cbexa" : "cbexa" -> "cxeba" (swapping characters at index 1 and 3) and then "cxeba" -> "excba" (swapping characters at index 0 and 2). Note that if the k would have been 1, more swaps would have been possible.
  2. input
    • P ""
    • A0 5
    • X 2
    • Y 3
    • N 4
    • K 1
    Returns 3
    The string here is "fndj". There are 3 swaps possible : "fndj" -> "fnjd", "fnjd" -> "nfjd" and "nfjd" -> "njfd". Note that there can be multiple ways to do these swaps.
  3. input
    • P "b"
    • A0 1001
    • X 1001
    • Y 1001
    • N 5
    • K 2
    Returns 3
    The string is "banol". There are 3 swaps possible : "banol" -> "bonal", "bonal" -> "nobal" and "nobal" -> "nolab".
  4. input
    • P ""
    • A0 9999
    • X 50000
    • Y 4797
    • N 6
    • K 3
    Returns 2
  5. input
    • P ""
    • A0 3435
    • X 1000000000
    • Y 1812447358
    • N 7
    • K 2
    Returns 5

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