SRM 786 1 1000 TwoDistance

Problem Statement

This problem has a non-standard time limit: 5 seconds.

You are given an undirected tree on N nodes numbered from 0 to N-1. Each node x has some value V[x]. These values are then used to compute the cost of each node. Your task is to find the sum of costs of all nodes in the tree.

The cost of a node x is defined as follows:

Let's say the set of nodes at distance 2 from node x is set S. The cost of this node is the minimum value of abs(V[a]-V[b]) where a and b belong to S and a != b. If size of set S is less than 2, then the cost of node x is 0.

You are given the int N, the int[]s edge and int[]s val, and the ints D, seed. Use the pseudocode below to generate the edges of the tree and the values of all its nodes.

A[0] = seed
for i = 1 to 2*N-1:
    A[i] = (A[i-1] * 1103515245 + 12345) modulo 2147483648

V = val
for i = size(val) to N-1:
    V[i] = A[i]

E = edge
for i = size(edge) to N-1:
    E[i] = A[N+i] modulo min(i,D)

for i = 1 to N-1:
    the tree contains an edge between i and E[i]


(be sure your method is public)




Test cases

  1. input
    • N 3
    • edge { -1, 0, 1 }
    • val { }
    • D 3
    • seed 2
    Returns 0
    Here, we can see that no node will have greater than 1 nodes at a distance of 2. Hence answer is 0.
  2. input
    • N 5
    • edge { -1 }
    • val { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
    • D 3
    • seed 4
    Returns 6
    Here we will obtain E array as {-1, 0, 1, 2, 2} and hence the edges as 0-1, 1-2, 2-3, 2-4.

    For node 0, only node 2 is at a distance of 2, hence cost for node 0 is 0.

    For node 1, it has nodes 3 and 4 at a distance of 2, hence cost for node 1 is abs(V[3]-V[4]) = 1

    For node 2, again cost is 0.

    For node 3, nodes 1 and 4 are at a distance 2, hence cost is abs(V[1]-V[4]) = 3. Similarly for node 4, cost is 2.

    Hence answer is 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.
  3. input
    • N 8
    • edge { -1 }
    • val { }
    • D 7
    • seed 670614018
    Returns 3498908364
  4. input
    • N 200000
    • edge { -1 }
    • val { }
    • D 84
    • seed 589477399
    Returns 88111951

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